Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Corporations have broken their social contract. They take and take and return nothing of great value to society. Society provides them with such things as language, education, monetary systems, legal systems, and a talent pool from which to get employees.

Corporations give back inferior products and services due to lack of competition due to the buying up and merging with competitors. These inferior products and services are also due to constant cost cutting in order to "maximize profits" to the point where the product or service is a shadow of its original quality.

It is society that pays the cost of the constant unemployment caused by corporations maximizing profits through downsizing staff. It is the cost of doing business in a society that gives you a field to play on in the first place to not treat its citizens like a commodity to be bought and sold and fired and hired at whim.

Corporations treat their employees like slaves and swindle their customers through price fixing and selling lower and lower quality items at original prices and wasting valuable resources. They not only break their social contract in these regards but they then use their fortunes which are amassed by these unjust means to influence the very government that is supposed to regulate them into following acceptable business practices.

Corporations have clearly acted against society's best interest and for this have broken their contract. Corporations need to be stopped at once and forced to take society's interest into account. This is the purpose of government and is something they should be regulating. But because government is currently setup to be influenced heavily by large contributions from corporations, this is unlikely to happen. Clearly, government is not acting in society's best interest as well.

Friday, November 22, 2002

can't believe it's been 3 months already. there may be some updates soon. have some material but need to write it. still not as much as i hoped though because i had a lot of work to do so my research was a lot less than had hoped at this point. later.