Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Perform actions without desiring the fruit of their outcome (their perceived beneficial results). This is how you get into "the zone". You are in the moment; you are in the act itself. You don't think of the outcome, you think of only what you are doing. The outside world and anything else that is not exactly what you are doing is cast out from your thoughts. It provides you with the patience to correctly perform and complete your task.

If interested in improving your life, I recommend attaining knowledge in the practical advice of Buddhism and Hinduism.

One needs to develop a large base of general knowledge in order to know what's what in the world. Then what? Through the teachings of Buddhism and Hinduism you can then direct your life towards the attainment of "Enlightenment" and the release from suffering.

As someone that "suffered" a lot early on, I can attest to the benefit of a large base of general knowledge along with what I have learned from Buddhism and Hinduism to steer me away from sorrow and despair to a better place.

General knowledge alone will not do it all since you will learn about all the suffering that the world has to offer. You need the mental guidance that is provided through the practical teachings Buddhism and Hinduism.