Friday, October 04, 2002

yes, i am still on sabbatical. i have some info but it'll have to wait. hmm well... for now...

finally there was another reference to the aquatic past of humans. i am glad to see it out there again.

and i read up on the upcoming ice-age. no no... it's not global warming anymore. well it is, but only temporarily until the ice melts and dilutes the salt water of the oceans and stops the flow of the oceans from bringing the warm water from the equator up to the north. england should be as cold as canada but they aren't because of the ocean bringing the warm water up. once the water stops flowing then they will get cold and canada will get colder eh. and this could all happen in our lifetimes and last for thousands of years. so yeah there you go.

not very detailed but i'm busy and on leave. go read the archives though... i hear they are quite decent.