Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Why are humans so physically lacking in strength and deficient in natural "tools"? Other animals have sharp claws, sharp teeth, powerful limbs, specialized tools such as trunks, etc. Why does man lack all of this? Man is pretty feeble. It is difficult for a man to kill another man without using specialized tools. It can be done, but it is difficult.

When primitive man got into a fight with another primitive man, they tried to beat each other to death. This made each tired. And without any natural weapons or natural armor, both got superficially bruised and fell down and eventually got up and walked away. If they had razor sharp claws, they would have killed each other. We are no doubt an aggressive species and we will fight one another. If not for our feebleness, perhaps we would have killed each other off early on in the history of our species.