Friday, August 09, 2002

a female dominated society is the ideal society if we want to live in a world that is caring and less aggressive and less violent.

in the two main variety of chimpanzee, the "common" chimp has the male dominated society where as the "bonobo" variety has the female dominated one. the bonobo females form tight groups and dominate the males. the bonobo society is more sexual and less aggressive than the "common" chimp society. the male dominated "common" chimp society is aggressive and murderous and engages in more aggressive styles of sexual interaction.

elephant society is matriarchal. it is a very caring society. it looks after its members and will rescue them when in need. they are also communicative with one another. they mourn their dead as well.

for a caring and less aggressive and less violent society, we need human females in leadership roles. unfortunately, many female humans tend to act male when put in leadership roles. probably more accurately, is that they got to that position by following the male style in the male-dominated setting. the female style is about communication and working together and supporting one another. the male style is about competition and aggression and exploitation and pushing others out of your way on the way to the top. you can see these styles in the day-to-day interactions of males and females.

human females are not perfect though. they are easily exploitable by the human male. this is evolutionarily necessary or else there would be no mating and no babies and no more species. from an outside observers perspective, you can easily see the nonsense that males feed to females in order to entice them into mating. any rationally thinking human should be able to see right through the male ruse to mate but unfortunately for females, the ones that could see through this, died off having never left offspring because they never mated. only the females that were duped into really thinking that the male truly cared for them were the ones that mated and perpetuated the human species. the male is designed to mate at all costs and will gladly exploit female trust in order to do so.

this ease of exploitation has led female humans to be even more exploited by human males. for most of history, females have been relegated as second class citizens with fewer rights than males. they have also been led to believe they were mentally inferior. it is easy to see why this happened when you see a human female fawning all over a male that is speaking sweet nothings into her ear. the female is designed to accept this nonsense as truth and hold to as if the male actually could live up to it.

the answer then, is for human females to realize this vulnerability and plug it up like a hole in a dam. human males will try and exploit you. they try and exploit everyone they come in contact with and you are no exception. you must realize this and bring yourself to you senses whenever he opens his mouth. guard yourself and stay in tightly knit groups of other females. realize your worth and the worth of your female way of life to bring peace and harmony to violent and uncaring world.