Tuesday, August 26, 2003

The purpose of a government that was created by the people, for the people, is to provide for its people the basics of life. To achieve this goal, it should provide a means for the acquisition of food and shelter as well a safe environment from dangers both foreign and domestic.

Due to limited resources, it must develop a structured method to fairly distribute the resources that provide the basics of life. The current system in place is not fairly distributing resources. Certain segments of the population are provided for more so than others.

For example, certain segments of the population are safer than others. Should greater wealth provide for greater levels of safety? Do the wealthy have more of a right to life? Do they deserve better and healthier food choices that also assure their longevity. Do they deserve safer working conditions? Is it then fair to not provide top of the line health care to the ones working in hazardous professions? Why do the ones that require the least health care get the best health care?

Certain segments of the population are better educated than others. Again, should greater wealth provide for greater education? What possible benefit is it to maintain large segments of the population ignorant and ill-educated? Is it a form of slavery in order to keep them working in menial jobs? Why isn't every person that is a part of the "people" educated to the fullest extent of possibilities? Why is it fair for those that already have all that they need to have even more while keeping those that have little in the dark about how to achieve more?

The system in place is unfairly distributing resources amongst its citizens. The basic rights of life are stolen from most and given to the few. Those not receiving their share cannot just join the ranks of those elite few. It is an exclusive club with high barriers to entry. With history as a guide, it will either be a noble elite that recognizes this unbalanced scale and strives to balance it or it will be a revolution by the people, for the people, bloody or otherwise that will bring about its balance.