Thursday, August 21, 2003

You people suffer from having an incorrect perspective on life as well as from having unrealistic expectations. For one, you have no bearing on human history compared with your current position and lifestyle. A hundred years ago or even a thousand years ago you would have been born into service at a wealthy estate. The majority of people on earth have always been laborers and not rulers or wealthy elite. Your days would have consisted of labor-intensive tasks repeated every day of your life.

You are under the assumption that life has all these great and wonderful fruits that are just there for the plucking. But as a quick study of human or non-human lifestyles will show, life is mundane and ordinary. The sun comes up, you gather food, eat, defecate, gather food, procreate, eat, defecate, and then the sun goes down and you sleep.

Too many stories have told you otherwise. Stories that were written by the most mundane of people that sat alone for hours on end doing absolutely nothing of interest except in their minds as they sat and wrote what they thought. Most of them did not live the lives they wrote about.

There is nothing wrong with the mundane and the ordinary. It is how animals have lived for the past millions of years i.e. "same crap, different day". It is how humans have lived for the past 100,000 years of their existence as well. You will most certainly cause yourself grief by trying to obtain something outside of the natural order of things. It is unrealistic and the wrong perspective. You have to learn to love the small things like sunshine on your face, the taste of fresh ripened fruit, a smile, a laugh, a cute cat, etc.

The best thing for you to do is to find a comfortable spot with some good and decent people and relax and enjoy the simplicity of life. Most people think that fulfillment and happiness are god-given rights and something that they should have naturally. But fulfillment and happiness will never be a constant thing, all you can do is appreciate them while they are there for the moment.