Friday, December 20, 2002

Clarity is what i have. i can see things that the regular person can not. i see myself from the outside. i can stop in mid-action and say "wait, control yourself". it is difficult for me to remain angry or sad as i will always see myself from the outside and tell myself to stop because it is doing me no good. if i were to follow through with any emotion, it would be just an act, as the moment and mood of it are spoiled by my watchful eye. when i see someone angry i can't help but to think "why are you acting it out like that, just stop it". where if someone said that to me, i would stop it, i have learned it does not always work in others. it has the potential to work, but they do not know that most of their life is just an act in a play.

"i am the type of person that does and says this". that is a role you assigned yourself to play. you could easily stray from it but you keep yourself focused on that role and play it out to the bitter end. most probably don't know they can stray from it. when you are offended by something, it is just an act you chose to play. "i will be offended by this". you don't really have to be offended but your role says that you must act out the part of the offended.

all these labels that we give ourselves helps us to define our roles. "i am an irish female and will thus act accordingly". if you live by these labels, then you are living as an actor in a play. you are forming yourself into a mold and acting accordingly to it.

how can you take someone seriously when their whole interaction with you is a semi-scripted play? once you know their labels you can pretty much tell what they think and what their responses will be. they make it easy by wanting to conform to their labels.