Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Many years ago, you never would have conceived that you lived on a hunk of rock that is hurtling through space around an enormous fire ball. Your knowledge would have been limited by the knowledge that your society provides. What we know is based upon a build-up of previous knowledge that we inherit from previous generations.

In pre-historic times, the knowledge of which berries to pick in the forest came from the previous generations who watched tribe members die from eating deadly berries. lack of abundant food supplies, made experimentation necessary. in time, the tribe knew which food sources were safe to eat and which were not. this knowledge was passed down to younger tribe members who then built upon it with new knowledge of newer food supplies.

once civilizations came into being, knowledge of food procurement and general history was not the only information passed on to the next generation. scientific and technological advancements were passed on and built upon by the next generation.

certainly throughout time, humans have had a skewed vision of the world around them due to the limited knowledge of their society. it's as if people see things through tinted glasses with blinders on the sides. They only see in the direction that their society provides by its particular buildup of knowledge and what they see is skewed by their society's limited knowledge. If one is part of a mystical society, one may view events as originating from magic.

some truths or at least half truths are revealed with this limited vision. These revelations are held up as proof to the veracity of the entire limited vision. If this is true then the rest of it must be true, is the common mantra. this of course is nonsense and leads to a skewed view of the world and its constituents. you think you are seeing things clearly, but with the tinted glasses of your limited knowledge, things may not be as clear as you think. and with untruths built upon more untruths, your entire view may become seriously skewed.