Tuesday, December 10, 2002

most of our time is spent escaping "reality" i.e. books, movies, tv, drugs and alcohol. even the ones who spend their time engaged in "serious" matters are really only playing a game of pretend. "I am a federal court judge and demand the respect and honor that my high position grants me". that person is just another hairless ape like the rest of us playing a part in some grand game of make-believe. reality is completing the digestive cycle while sitting on the toilet.

watch a lot of people play board games or athletic games and you can see them taking the games a little too seriously. in the same way, you are taking the games of pretend that you play in your life too seriously. sure you can play your games and have fun doing it but do not forget what is real. do not get so caught up in the games. all those special meanings that you attach to everything are just pretend. there is nothing more special to a wedding ring than there is to a clump of dirt. the meaning is pure imagination.

when you play games of pretend, people will tend to bend the rules to their favor. children do this all the time with their games. this is not a fair game and one that will not go as you originally intended. it will not go by a strict set of unchanging rules like many expect it to. those that cheat will exploit the ones that don't cheat.

you should find, once you step outside the sphere of pretend, that life becomes a simple process. there are no longer all these intermingling realms of pretend with differing rules. you see what is really going. all those things that used to not make sense are now cleared up. most of them were probably just pretend and no longer matter anyway. and those that weren't pretend, are no longer covered in its shroud and are plainly visible for what they are.