Thursday, February 28, 2002

Humans carry on the misery and hurt that was inflicted upon them as children to the next generation. If they would not carry on the abuse and instead replace it with caring and rational thought and behavior we would be one step closer to living as we should be. Living as a rational, peaceful, caring society that looks out for one another and has a deep concern for one another's well being. We would be working together and grow beyond our wildest imaginations and produce such fantastic scientific discoveries and inventions that we could be that alien race that travels the universe and visits unknown galaxies. We would be capable of anything.

Wednesday, February 27, 2002

designer babies are here. human eggs can be selected based on whether or not a number genetic diseases are present and then inserted back into the mother. soon there may be genetic screening based on vision quality, height, intelligence, or whatever else they can come up with. perfect babies are around the corner. is this a desirable situation? well on one side of the argument humans have stopped their natural evolution because everyone is mating even the ones that would have died from a now curable disease. no longer are only the strong surviving. possibly people with poor vision would not be breading today without the advent of corrective measures such as glasses. they would have been an undesirable mate with all their bumping into everything and thus not bred with. if that happened then there would be no more people with poor vision. it's a light-hearted example but you get the point. but this natural evolution process is not taking place so one might argue that we need to screen our genes to further our evolution. diseases that would have been wiped out due to natural evolution (i.e. all the susceptible people would have died off) can now be screened out before birth instead of treating them with medicine later on.
for an argument against designer babies, it means that there may be a class war between less than perfect humans and genetically advanced groups of humans. people tend to group up and this may be another thing they group up on. people will also be less tolerant of human imperfections. would you rather marry a superhuman or an imperfect, genetically uncertain human? in time, more and more people may choose perfection if not from the start. look at all the plastic surgery that goes on for proof. also, the wealthy countries will have more genetically superior humans first and may start thinking of themselves as a master race and we all know where that can lead to.
so it's up to you. but i think there is a point in supplementing our stunted evolution but i would think human society couldn't handle it. maybe a very gradual approach would do it.
another haiku:

humans spawning more
micro-organisms cure
an infestation
a haiku:

silence brings wisdom
with chatter much discontent
it's a noisy world
isn't it crazy how modern people occupy so much of their time working for money? think about that. the main chunk of every weekday minus just a couple weeks of vacation is spent in the pursuit of money. money that is used to buy shoes, makeup, neckties, doritos, cable-television, and coffee tables. can you imagine how leisurely life would be if we just lived a simpler life without all the extravagance? think of all the resources that are being wasted that could then go into making low-cost simple little homes for everyone. there would also be more resources for healthy low-cost food for everyone. our major needs would be taken care of in a heartbeat if all this waste was directed towards simpler, more logical, goals.

Tuesday, February 26, 2002

human nature. you wonder whether humans are inherently evil or inherently good. this is a tricky question because terms such as good and evil can mean different things to different people. for example, one may think the raping of the environment by corporations and governments as "evil" while another person may think of it as good wholesome capitalism or industriousness. some would consider all forms of killing evil while another might find righteous justification for it. so good and evil would require clear and precise definitions before proceeding. what usually ends up happening is that the terms are used to stir emotional responses. those people over their are "evil" and we are "good" so that gives us justification to war against them. so it is hard to even give definitions to the terms because there are emotional responses associated with them and your perspective plays such a key part. well guess what then? those terms "good" and "evil" are useless for a rational and objective discussion on human nature. a dog kills and eats a rabbit. was the dog evil or just being a dog? a human kills another human. was the human evil or just being a human? well since the term "evil" is just a magical, emotional, and loosely defined word then i suppose the human that killed another human was just being human. we were born with the ability and the desires to kill. that is part of being human. a dog was born with similar abilities and programming. yes we have the ability to bypass our initial programming to act like an animal. but it is only with training, practice, and knowledge that we can bypass our natural animal instincts. a dog can even be trained to alter some of its natural programming. remember when you see a news story or anything else that makes you see "evil" in others that those others are just being human. our heritage is no different than the beasts that live in the jungles of the world. don't be so shocked when our natural instincts are difficult to control. it is an artificial world that you live in that you think humans are not capable of acting like animals. accept what we are and start from there. we are not idealistic images of a pure and holy entity. we are animals. from there we can be trained to live however we want. we can't start off thinking that we are supposed to be pure and wonderful or we are doomed to fail. you don't train a dog to not pee in the house by just assuming he should just know better and will do the "right" thing do you? no you assume he doesn't know a thing about not peeing indoors and you train him accordingly. make sense?
To those who are not satisfied with the current conditions imposed upon you by human society... YOU ARE NOT INSANE! Human society is so full of irrational and ritualistic thought and behavior that it makes you think that you are the one that is deficient. This is not the case. Human society is the one in need of serious repair. You are unfortunately another one of its victims. One that sees a little too clearly. One that thinks a little too rationally. One that is not swept up easily enough by its facade. You are not alone.
watching my cat sleep, i wonder if it might be uncomfortable to have a tail. it is hanging off of her little house made of wood and rug as she lays atop it. she just curled it up and tucked it in. cats can be pleasant. oh and yes it is late at night and yes i am a tad deliriously sleepy. late at night it feels like i am all alone without other people around. i am free. to stay up all night and see the sun rising is nice too. it is so empty and quiet late at night. shhh don't type so loud. this world we live in is too crowded. how about a small cozy life surrounded by people you care about eh? sound nice? no stranger danger or anything else that is negative and rhymes. but no we live now during a crappy money and corporations are everything time. people are drones and cogs not humans free to express the good they are capable of. smell the roses people then cough to expell the smog that filled your lungs. but on a more upbeat note, umm well i dunno just go and read the beginning again about my sleepy kitty and stop reading at the word "pleasant".
if artificial experience is the pinnacle of human evolution then how long until humans are kept in 'The Matrix' style pods where we live out our lives in a computer simulation. some examples of artificial experience include recorded music, artificial food ingredients, makeup, and online chatting. even our everyday lives are completely artificial. for example how is it a piece of cloth cut and sewn and worn one way can have so much meaning behind it compared to another piece of cloth i.e. a uniform or suit compared to a t-shirt and jeans. it is all cloth so why the big deal? they are artificial ideas. you live in that fake outline of a country and i live in this fake outline of a country and because of that i hate you. a line drawn in an atlas is artificial. on a globe you never walk into a border, you just keep circling it until you decide to stop. yes oceans and mountains exist but there are no thick black lines. take a look at earth and another. and i say that artificial experience is the pinnacle of human evolution because that is what our history and lifestyles are heading towards. they already invented fake dog robots. what next? i am not necessarily saying an artificial lifestyle is a bad thing but it is something to wonder about and wonder how far will it go.
creativity and imagination as basis of problem solving ability:
The ability to solve problems comes from the ability to link previously unrelated ideas in a new way that forms the solution to the given problem. Linking previously unlinked ideas to form a new idea is creativity. A "problem" occurs when there is a gap between what currently exists and what is desired to exist. An unknown solution is required to fill this gap. The solution is conjured by combining previously unjoined ideas into a new idea that solves the problem. That a previously unknown idea is required for a solution, means that creativity is required to conjure up this previously unknown idea. In order to have ideas that can be combined, one needs a vast database of knowledge at their disposal. The more knowledge they possess, the greater the amount of ideas they can combine to form new ideas. So, the more knowledgable the person, the more potential for creativity compared to an equally creative person. But having knowledge alone does not guarantee creativity as one also needs the ability to apply their knowledge in a way that facilitates creativity. One needs to be able to dissect what they know and re-combine it into new and different ideas. So, it is the ability to dissect and re-combine knowledge into new ideas that determines one's level of creativity.
I am trapped in a world that makes no sense. The society in which i live teaches that one must live by its laws. I have strived to live by them only to realize that most of the others that i see do not. This is a bit of a quandary considering that i am more seen as the outcast than they are. The one who lives up to the laws of society are the strange ones. How could this be? This society is trapped in a state of primitive savagery where rituals are the norm and to which reasonable and thoughtful behavior take a backseat. The perfect member of society is one that breaks popularly broken laws and who engages in rituals whenever possible. Free, rational, thoughtful behavior is unacceptable. I have learned this in any discussion i have had with the others in this society. They will always repeat whatever they think that they are supposed to think about anything you discuss with them. They are like robotic drones programmed for nothing else. Rational thought is meaningless to them. There is no real freedom of speech. The is only freedom of acceptable speech. Freedom to recite back what they tell you to think. There is no room for a free and rational thinker in this despicable excuse for an allegedly free society. The entire human race is a despicable and a clear example of vermin running rampant when gone unchecked. They feed on anything around them to the point of extinction and then turn on each other.
it is true that we as humans have come from a violent past. we alive today are here because our ancestors anihilated their competition. be it animal or fellow man, be it for food or for land or for whatever the reason, our ancestors did plenty of killing. the succesive generations would only become better killers due to the natural selection process. those that were inept at killing were killed off by those skilled in the art of murder. the dead cannot breed, thus it was the offspring of the skilled killer that created the next generation. our murderous inclinations rage forth all the time. we kill and kill again. we kill when we require it for survival and even when we don't. we kill to fulfill our murderous desires. we long to kill. we dream to kill. we fantasize to kill. The hourly news reports should remind us of these facts. some actually commit the act but so many more just wish it in passing when treated in a manner that they find disrespectful. the seed of hate is firmly planted in each of us. with just minimal care, it will bloom in us and make us into the mass murdering beasts that we were bread to be.
you are fickle. you change your mind constantly and are easily pursuaded. a new toothpaste comes out and its on your teeth the next day like butter on toast. it takes constant diligence to keep from changing your mind. it is so easy to just sway like a small supple palm tree in the wind. throw in a little pursuasion and forget about it.
humans, are not supposed to be happy. are lizards supposed to be happy? so in essence, all those terrible things that happen to us throught out our lives is really not something abnormal. we might get run over by a car but a lizard might get stepped on by an elephant. the lizard may even have to go through a long lonely search for a potential mate without guarantee of ever finding it. we might have our home invaded and our family murdered but so too can a lizard by a predatory bird. not only murdered, but the lizard and its family must suffer the indignity of being chewed up and digested. so why then should we feel so wronged when unhappy things happen to us? who ever said our lives were meant to be filled with joy? apes murder, rape, and war with neighboring ape groups. humans do those things too so it seems we are programmed to have these violent and hateful tendencies. these are tendencies that certainly don't promote happiness but instead bring about the very opposite of what we think of as happiness.
no one said we were supposed to be happy. pain and suffering have been attached to human history more so than anything else. so it may be even comforting to know pain is a large part of our lives and should not come as a shock to us when we experience it. so all those terrible and painful events in our lives might be thought of as normal, healthy, human activities. see how positive life can be?
these are the first entries from a previous incarnation. they will be entered here for archival purposes.
fine! i will continue! but you humans better appreciate it!