Tuesday, February 26, 2002

creativity and imagination as basis of problem solving ability:
The ability to solve problems comes from the ability to link previously unrelated ideas in a new way that forms the solution to the given problem. Linking previously unlinked ideas to form a new idea is creativity. A "problem" occurs when there is a gap between what currently exists and what is desired to exist. An unknown solution is required to fill this gap. The solution is conjured by combining previously unjoined ideas into a new idea that solves the problem. That a previously unknown idea is required for a solution, means that creativity is required to conjure up this previously unknown idea. In order to have ideas that can be combined, one needs a vast database of knowledge at their disposal. The more knowledge they possess, the greater the amount of ideas they can combine to form new ideas. So, the more knowledgable the person, the more potential for creativity compared to an equally creative person. But having knowledge alone does not guarantee creativity as one also needs the ability to apply their knowledge in a way that facilitates creativity. One needs to be able to dissect what they know and re-combine it into new and different ideas. So, it is the ability to dissect and re-combine knowledge into new ideas that determines one's level of creativity.