Tuesday, February 26, 2002

I am trapped in a world that makes no sense. The society in which i live teaches that one must live by its laws. I have strived to live by them only to realize that most of the others that i see do not. This is a bit of a quandary considering that i am more seen as the outcast than they are. The one who lives up to the laws of society are the strange ones. How could this be? This society is trapped in a state of primitive savagery where rituals are the norm and to which reasonable and thoughtful behavior take a backseat. The perfect member of society is one that breaks popularly broken laws and who engages in rituals whenever possible. Free, rational, thoughtful behavior is unacceptable. I have learned this in any discussion i have had with the others in this society. They will always repeat whatever they think that they are supposed to think about anything you discuss with them. They are like robotic drones programmed for nothing else. Rational thought is meaningless to them. There is no real freedom of speech. The is only freedom of acceptable speech. Freedom to recite back what they tell you to think. There is no room for a free and rational thinker in this despicable excuse for an allegedly free society. The entire human race is a despicable and a clear example of vermin running rampant when gone unchecked. They feed on anything around them to the point of extinction and then turn on each other.