Tuesday, February 26, 2002

if artificial experience is the pinnacle of human evolution then how long until humans are kept in 'The Matrix' style pods where we live out our lives in a computer simulation. some examples of artificial experience include recorded music, artificial food ingredients, makeup, and online chatting. even our everyday lives are completely artificial. for example how is it a piece of cloth cut and sewn and worn one way can have so much meaning behind it compared to another piece of cloth i.e. a uniform or suit compared to a t-shirt and jeans. it is all cloth so why the big deal? they are artificial ideas. you live in that fake outline of a country and i live in this fake outline of a country and because of that i hate you. a line drawn in an atlas is artificial. on a globe you never walk into a border, you just keep circling it until you decide to stop. yes oceans and mountains exist but there are no thick black lines. take a look at earth and another. and i say that artificial experience is the pinnacle of human evolution because that is what our history and lifestyles are heading towards. they already invented fake dog robots. what next? i am not necessarily saying an artificial lifestyle is a bad thing but it is something to wonder about and wonder how far will it go.