Tuesday, February 26, 2002

watching my cat sleep, i wonder if it might be uncomfortable to have a tail. it is hanging off of her little house made of wood and rug as she lays atop it. she just curled it up and tucked it in. cats can be pleasant. oh and yes it is late at night and yes i am a tad deliriously sleepy. late at night it feels like i am all alone without other people around. i am free. to stay up all night and see the sun rising is nice too. it is so empty and quiet late at night. shhh don't type so loud. this world we live in is too crowded. how about a small cozy life surrounded by people you care about eh? sound nice? no stranger danger or anything else that is negative and rhymes. but no we live now during a crappy money and corporations are everything time. people are drones and cogs not humans free to express the good they are capable of. smell the roses people then cough to expell the smog that filled your lungs. but on a more upbeat note, umm well i dunno just go and read the beginning again about my sleepy kitty and stop reading at the word "pleasant".