Tuesday, February 26, 2002

humans, are not supposed to be happy. are lizards supposed to be happy? so in essence, all those terrible things that happen to us throught out our lives is really not something abnormal. we might get run over by a car but a lizard might get stepped on by an elephant. the lizard may even have to go through a long lonely search for a potential mate without guarantee of ever finding it. we might have our home invaded and our family murdered but so too can a lizard by a predatory bird. not only murdered, but the lizard and its family must suffer the indignity of being chewed up and digested. so why then should we feel so wronged when unhappy things happen to us? who ever said our lives were meant to be filled with joy? apes murder, rape, and war with neighboring ape groups. humans do those things too so it seems we are programmed to have these violent and hateful tendencies. these are tendencies that certainly don't promote happiness but instead bring about the very opposite of what we think of as happiness.