Wednesday, July 31, 2002

male and female humans were not meant to really live together in relationships in the isolated conditions that the current human society teaches. they were meant to live together in a large group of other people that stayed mostly segregated along gender lines. apes and primitive human tribes pretty much follow this.

if you look around, we pretty much follow this too. male humans hang-out with other male humans and female humans hang-out with other female humans. male and female humans even have different social hierarchies and different ways of communication. on average, male and female humans have vastly different interests as well. plus, most long-term male-female relationships end in fighting and being annoyed by the other person. we were just not designed to live together. of course it is possible but it takes more patience, practice, and training than living with the same sex.

males and females should really only get together for times of courting and mating. if you are a female, then that is what your male "friend" is really after anyway. we were designed for sex and reproduction so you cannot deny that it is a prevalent thought. yes of course you can be civilized and be friends but it is only if you suppress this natural instinct of mating.

yes we do have urges to pair-bond with another human. this does not mean we should be so tightly tied to them in the isolated manner in which we are. they need to spend most of their time with their gender and visa-versa. a courtship-like relationship is then more possible. you do not get sick of one another because you do what you want and the other does what he/she wants and you meet together for times of courting and mating. this system also gives a support structure to both parties because they have their same-gender friends for support if things aren't working out. the couple would not be so reliant on one another.

this is how we lived for 90,000 years prior to locking up females in farm houses for the last 10,000 years. we were meant for group living. humans become tyrants when isolated.

Monday, July 29, 2002

i will be using this definition of "civilization":
advanced development of society: an advanced level of development in society that is marked by complex social and political organization, and material, scientific, and artistic progress.
[Definition courtesy of]

a funny thought is that no ancient civilization survived into the modern day. once they got too big, every civilization collapsed under its own weight or under the foot of a larger civilization. it is also easy to see that history repeats itself over and over and over and over again. so what are the chances that our modern civilizations will last indefinitely?

so the interesting bit is to wonder in what manner will our civilization reach its demise. will we become too unmanageable and factionalize? will better managed "barbarians" storm in to take advantage of a bloated bureaucracy and take over? or perhaps technology will allow governments to control its citizens to the point where they cannot rebel or factionalize, thus keeping control? better technology is an advantage they have over the ancient civilizations. but can they really stay invincible? won't they eventually be overtaken? will our civilization's demise be sudden and forceful or will it be subtle and predictable? could looking at the demise of previous civilizations aid in that prediction?

will the world eventually become a united world ruled under essentially one government? if that global government falls will the entire world be plunged into a dark age? when everything becomes digitized and all advanced knowledge is kept on computers, a collapse of society and its infrastructure would easily wipe out our access to that advanced knowledge. it will then only take a couple generations for us to lose all advanced knowledge.

Sunday, July 28, 2002

there is no greater meaning in life. you were born to reproduce. that's all. the cosmic design does not intend for you to be anything more than a sack of cells that passes on part of itself to an offspring. all this elaborate nonsense of human "society" is just a mutation gone awry.

and remember this... human civilization has been around for a short time in the scheme of life on earth. other life forms lived and died after MILLIONS of years of existence. humans have only been around for 100,000 years and their complex societies have been around for less than 10,000 years. no one has said that our way of life will be an evolutionary advantage. our current way of life may very well lead to our extinction. we would not be the first species to use up all its resources and die out.

Thursday, July 25, 2002

"it's so quiet at three in the morning", Timothy said to himself. "it's like i'm the only one around and i have all the world to myself." Timothy had this thought most of the times he was awake at this time. he hadn't the stress of the day-lit world at these times. he was in his own world, his stress-free, no-responsibility world. if only things could stay like this, he thought.

it was hard to think that the other world, the day-lit one, was real. it just didn't seem right. why wasn't it working out the way it was supposed to? it must be a dream or a nightmare because his transition from student to professional and from child to adult just wasn't working out. where is the switch to flip in order to make the change? what am i supposed to do to make it happen, asked Timothy.

in his night-world Timothy was safe and secure. he felt sure of himself and where he was. why the discrepancy? why can't the other world be this easy? something must be wrong.

Timothy eventually got sleepy enough to lay in his bed. he thought for a while longer until finally falling asleep.

Wednesday, July 24, 2002

standing next to an old maple tree, Timothy stared out at the horizon thinking about where he was going in his life. he had no plans and no one making plans for him. he was pretty much left to shape his own life. he never knew much about the world so this was rather difficult. it's like trying to build a house when all you've ever seen is the outside of one and have no idea of their internal framework. he's seen people and their lives and their relationships but never knew them beyond what he saw on the outside. he did not know how they really led their lives and got where they were or how they made those relationships. so for his own life, he could imagine an end product but not how to get there.

Timothy had gone to school his entire life and now it was over. 'now what?', he said to himself. he imagined himself coming home from some imaginary career to an imaginary wife to eat an imaginary dinner that smelled imaginarily great. he just had no idea where to begin to create this imaginary life in the real world. in his entire school career no class ever taught him what to do once he was out of school. there was no magic career fairy waiting for him when he received his diploma like he always thought there would be. she was supposed to have got him his career once he graduated but she never came. in school, things were just assigned to him and he did them. suddenly he is expected to go out on his own and find assignments a.k.a. a job. this is the opposite of what he had been trained for. things used to come to him and he did as little as he could get away with. how could he be expected to be the extra-credit type who seeks out work on their own?

Timothy felt the fear rise in his stomach as he pondered what would become of himself. he felt alone and clueless in a world that seemed to let him slip by. he wondered where help would come from and if it would ever come. he wondered if he would ever meet his imaginary wife and own his imaginary home. his sadness mixed with a bit of anger over the helplessness he felt.

a honking horn interrupted his train of thought and Timothy came out of the trance he had put himself under. Timothy walked back to his house and ate dinner.

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

incase anyone is interested in starting their own country, here is someone who did just that...
in the documentary that was mentioned earlier, it had a group of monkeys that were studied in their natural environment. the monkeys that were not able to handle stress died [apparently they just stopped eating].

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

when away from their mate and especially when far away, humans will have the tendency to "cheat" on their mate. this is one reason that long-distance relationships do not work out. this has nothing to do with trust or how well your relationship is going or how good a person you are, it is just a natural tendency that we have.

because it is a natural tendency, the feelings can't be avoided but they can be ignored. the best defense is to realize that the tendency does exist and to prepare for it. you shouldn't feel guilty that you develop romantic feelings for other people because you are hard-wired for it. you need to recognize those feelings when they appear and analyze them rationally to diffuse their magical effect. you have to be convinced that love is not magic and the strong feelings you get for people are hormone related only. you should not make your job harder by putting yourself in intimate settings with people you could get interested in.

humans that are ignorant of this tendency to cheat on their mate when they are away will have trouble in their lives. they will question themselves and their relationship and think that their new feelings for someone else must mean something significant. some will be so confused and impressed by these new feelings that they will follow them up and act on them. when they finally get back to reality, most will realize the mistake they made but of course it's too late. their old mate may or may not forgive this betrayal.

as a human, you will continue to get romantic feelings for people you find new and interesting and "sexy" even if you are in a relationship. it won't matter what kind of person you are or how good your relationship is. it is up to you to be aware of these feelings when they appear and to diffuse them with reason and logic. you should cast off these primitive feelings as imaginary and not based on something sensible. you should avoid these situations so that you are not constantly tempting yourself. humans will be humans if you let them.

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

What your doctor doesn't know could kill you
"A computer program that provides vast amounts of information for diagnosing and treating patients could revolutionize the practice of medicine. So why won't physicians use it?"

does it make sense to use memory alone to try and diagnose a patient when you could instead use a database that contains every disease and symptom ever discovered? would you rather trust a calculator or the pencil and paper method in determining a life-saving calculation? it seems the medical community chooses pencil and paper. but if you think about it, the medical community has been based more in voodoo than science since its inception. too bad old habits die hard.
The Serious Search for an Anti-Aging Pill
"...consumption of a low-calorie yet nutritionally balanced diet, works incredibly well in a broad range of animals, increasing longevity and prolonging good health. Those findings suggest that caloric restriction could delay aging in humans, too."

Caloric Restriction
"The widespread observation that caloric restriction will increase longevity must be tempered with the recognition that it has progressively less effect the later in life it is begun"

"Although caloric restriction might extend the longevity of humans, because it does so in many other animal species there is no study in humans that has proved that it will work. A few people have subjected themselves to a calorically restricted diet, which, in order to be effective, must approach levels that most people would find intolerable. The fact that so few people have attempted caloric restriction since the phenomenon was discovered more than 60 years ago suggests that for most people, quality of life seems to be preferred over quantity of life."

Caloric Restriction's Varied Effects:
-Later onset of age-related diseases (including cancer)
-Greater sensitivity to insulin
[the opposite (insulin insensitivity) is type II diabetes]
-Lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels
-Higher levels of "good" (HDL) cholesterol
1. rice and flour-based products have only been around since humans developed farming. this shows that we were not genetically engineered and optimized to eat these things. sure we can eat them and they can keep us alive but that does not mean we were designed to eat them. eating them could then lead to side effects.

2. after the u.s. government started recommending a high-carbohydrate diet, the citizens of the u.s. developed a higher obesity rate and type-two diabetes rate. more and more young-adults and teens are being diagnosed with type-two diabetes now.

3. eating a high-carbohydrate meal makes you hungrier. a lot of people have the situation where they are hungrier before lunch if they eat breakfast than if they fasted. this is the high-carbohydrate meal's effect on insulin in the blood stream.

conclusion: eat meats, fats, vegetables(minus potatoes) and fruits. eat anything else and suffer the consequences.

(potatoes by the way had their origin in south america so our ancestors did not develop with them either.)

What if It's All Been a Big Fat Lie?
(This is a link to the NY Times site which requires a free registration)
you think you have a sad story? look around. so does everyone else. suffering is part of life.

Friday, July 12, 2002

some points from the documentary
"Why Dogs Smile and Chimpanzees Cry" (1999)

for millions of years reptiles ruled the land. when the land suddenly started changing, it was the ability of the mammalian brain to adapt that made them win over the reptiles during those troubled times.

mammals learned from each other and lived in groups. the mammals possessed "motherly love" and took care of their young. baby reptiles are ignored by their mother and do not learn from them and only have basic survival emotion such as fear.

mammals must learn what is not pre-programmed in them. this is the key to their adaptation. this learning takes time and is why the more complex species take longer to develop into adulthood. they learn what to fear and how to behave. mothers punish to teach what is dangerous.

maternal love is addictive. it produces a good feeling. physical touch is vital in the healthy development of the young. holding, hugging, and playing are needed. play is essential for development and it practices future skills that will be needed.

the brain is like an onion. we have the ancient reptile brain at the core which gives us basic survival ability and fear. after that there is the more developed area which gives us motherhood and basic learning. the outer part of the brain is the area that allows for complex social learning.

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

in a study, it showed that sleep aids in learning. in the task they were required to perform, "Their performance progressively worsened throughout the day. If the researchers allowed individuals to nap for 30 minutes, however, the deterioration halted; a one-hour snooze enabled performance to bounce back to initial morning levels".

it also said that "functioning improved when given a new task that required a neural network different from the one used in the initial session." and that "the brain seems to prevent the absorption of new information in order to allow the data already there to be committed to memory during slumber. Apparently, the deep, slow-wave sleep that occurs in even short naps allows recently learned information to be processed and readies the mind for new knowledge."

also notable is that "These findings may also help answer other questions, such as why infants sleep so much. 'The intensity of learning new skills and information may drive the brain’s hunger for large amounts of sleep,'".

- You Snooze You Win
- Tetris Dreams

Monday, July 08, 2002

yes i do feel sorry for animals and even some humans when i see them in troubling situations. then i realize that pain and suffering and being killed or murdered or eaten is a part of the natural order of being alive on the planet earth. it has been happening since life began and it will continue to happen. i then accept it and move on. if i see you sad and upset it will affect me but then i'll accept your pain as the normal course of being a human.

if you are well informed about human suffering you'd cry yourself to sleep if you don't have this attitude of acceptance.
human society as it is now is crap and there is nothing you can do about it. that is a given. now all you can do is accept it and live out your life. by accepting it, you take the strain and worry away that you are somehow deficient and that you should be doing something to fix yourself or fix society. move on and just try and get through your life the best you can.

and speaking of provable things, i do think "human society as it is now is crap" is provable.
start with the premise that everything you know is wrong. now start believing the things that are provable.

Saturday, July 06, 2002

some quick research on laughter-

laughing is built into us. human babies only a few months old laugh. also, the fact that every human can laugh and that laughing is easy to recognize due to its simple structure shows that it is built into us. there is also a condition of pathological laughter in which "damage to a wide variety of brain regions produces abnormal laughter".

by looking at our closest animal relatives we can see that our lineage had laughter from the start. one source states how "chimpanzees and other great apes perform a laugh-like vocalization when tickled or during play." it also states that "chimpanzee laughter occurs almost exclusively during physical contact, or during the threat of such contact, during chasing games, wrestling or tickling."

animals play. you can see their young engaging in chase games or wrestling or whatever else they do. how do you tell play fighting from real fighting? laughing may have come about to further show that play fighting is just play.

in humans though, it may have further developed to make and strengthen human connections. laughing seems to have a social function. "In the absence of stimulating media (television, radio or books), people are about 30 times more likely to laugh when they are in a social situation than when they are alone."

The Evolution of Laughter
How Laughter Works

Friday, July 05, 2002

greetings humans. my project has ceased and i should be back. the excessive heat was problematic too but that should be over for now allegedly.

Tuesday, July 02, 2002

it is tuesday at midnight. i am working on a project which i will be done with soon. i will be back then. probably only another day. the project is unrelated to anything here. thank you for your patience. by the way, there are some very good things written in the archives to the right --> if you came here for something to read.