Wednesday, July 17, 2002

when away from their mate and especially when far away, humans will have the tendency to "cheat" on their mate. this is one reason that long-distance relationships do not work out. this has nothing to do with trust or how well your relationship is going or how good a person you are, it is just a natural tendency that we have.

because it is a natural tendency, the feelings can't be avoided but they can be ignored. the best defense is to realize that the tendency does exist and to prepare for it. you shouldn't feel guilty that you develop romantic feelings for other people because you are hard-wired for it. you need to recognize those feelings when they appear and analyze them rationally to diffuse their magical effect. you have to be convinced that love is not magic and the strong feelings you get for people are hormone related only. you should not make your job harder by putting yourself in intimate settings with people you could get interested in.

humans that are ignorant of this tendency to cheat on their mate when they are away will have trouble in their lives. they will question themselves and their relationship and think that their new feelings for someone else must mean something significant. some will be so confused and impressed by these new feelings that they will follow them up and act on them. when they finally get back to reality, most will realize the mistake they made but of course it's too late. their old mate may or may not forgive this betrayal.

as a human, you will continue to get romantic feelings for people you find new and interesting and "sexy" even if you are in a relationship. it won't matter what kind of person you are or how good your relationship is. it is up to you to be aware of these feelings when they appear and to diffuse them with reason and logic. you should cast off these primitive feelings as imaginary and not based on something sensible. you should avoid these situations so that you are not constantly tempting yourself. humans will be humans if you let them.