Wednesday, July 31, 2002

male and female humans were not meant to really live together in relationships in the isolated conditions that the current human society teaches. they were meant to live together in a large group of other people that stayed mostly segregated along gender lines. apes and primitive human tribes pretty much follow this.

if you look around, we pretty much follow this too. male humans hang-out with other male humans and female humans hang-out with other female humans. male and female humans even have different social hierarchies and different ways of communication. on average, male and female humans have vastly different interests as well. plus, most long-term male-female relationships end in fighting and being annoyed by the other person. we were just not designed to live together. of course it is possible but it takes more patience, practice, and training than living with the same sex.

males and females should really only get together for times of courting and mating. if you are a female, then that is what your male "friend" is really after anyway. we were designed for sex and reproduction so you cannot deny that it is a prevalent thought. yes of course you can be civilized and be friends but it is only if you suppress this natural instinct of mating.

yes we do have urges to pair-bond with another human. this does not mean we should be so tightly tied to them in the isolated manner in which we are. they need to spend most of their time with their gender and visa-versa. a courtship-like relationship is then more possible. you do not get sick of one another because you do what you want and the other does what he/she wants and you meet together for times of courting and mating. this system also gives a support structure to both parties because they have their same-gender friends for support if things aren't working out. the couple would not be so reliant on one another.

this is how we lived for 90,000 years prior to locking up females in farm houses for the last 10,000 years. we were meant for group living. humans become tyrants when isolated.