Wednesday, July 10, 2002

in a study, it showed that sleep aids in learning. in the task they were required to perform, "Their performance progressively worsened throughout the day. If the researchers allowed individuals to nap for 30 minutes, however, the deterioration halted; a one-hour snooze enabled performance to bounce back to initial morning levels".

it also said that "functioning improved when given a new task that required a neural network different from the one used in the initial session." and that "the brain seems to prevent the absorption of new information in order to allow the data already there to be committed to memory during slumber. Apparently, the deep, slow-wave sleep that occurs in even short naps allows recently learned information to be processed and readies the mind for new knowledge."

also notable is that "These findings may also help answer other questions, such as why infants sleep so much. 'The intensity of learning new skills and information may drive the brain’s hunger for large amounts of sleep,'".

- You Snooze You Win
- Tetris Dreams