Tuesday, July 16, 2002

The Serious Search for an Anti-Aging Pill
"...consumption of a low-calorie yet nutritionally balanced diet, works incredibly well in a broad range of animals, increasing longevity and prolonging good health. Those findings suggest that caloric restriction could delay aging in humans, too."

Caloric Restriction
"The widespread observation that caloric restriction will increase longevity must be tempered with the recognition that it has progressively less effect the later in life it is begun"

"Although caloric restriction might extend the longevity of humans, because it does so in many other animal species there is no study in humans that has proved that it will work. A few people have subjected themselves to a calorically restricted diet, which, in order to be effective, must approach levels that most people would find intolerable. The fact that so few people have attempted caloric restriction since the phenomenon was discovered more than 60 years ago suggests that for most people, quality of life seems to be preferred over quantity of life."

Caloric Restriction's Varied Effects:
-Later onset of age-related diseases (including cancer)
-Greater sensitivity to insulin
[the opposite (insulin insensitivity) is type II diabetes]
-Lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels
-Higher levels of "good" (HDL) cholesterol