Tuesday, July 16, 2002

1. rice and flour-based products have only been around since humans developed farming. this shows that we were not genetically engineered and optimized to eat these things. sure we can eat them and they can keep us alive but that does not mean we were designed to eat them. eating them could then lead to side effects.

2. after the u.s. government started recommending a high-carbohydrate diet, the citizens of the u.s. developed a higher obesity rate and type-two diabetes rate. more and more young-adults and teens are being diagnosed with type-two diabetes now.

3. eating a high-carbohydrate meal makes you hungrier. a lot of people have the situation where they are hungrier before lunch if they eat breakfast than if they fasted. this is the high-carbohydrate meal's effect on insulin in the blood stream.

conclusion: eat meats, fats, vegetables(minus potatoes) and fruits. eat anything else and suffer the consequences.

(potatoes by the way had their origin in south america so our ancestors did not develop with them either.)

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