Sunday, June 09, 2002


inner pain will be dealt with as a fleeting entity with no purposeful role.
its reason for being will be of no consequence as it may not be a rational reason.
a pursual of its reason will be considered futile as it may not truly exist.
dealing with the inner pain will be carried out with either meditation or distraction.
distraction would be considered a task consisting of an enjoyable hobby.
above all, inner pain shall not be spread to others and will be dealt with internally until its initial emotion full stage has passed and it can be dealt with on a logical level.

silence will be a sufficient indicator of its presence and will be noted by any bystanders.

bystanders will then back away and also engage in either meditation or a distraction.
the injured party will then contact the bystander when a dialogue can begin concerning any real and actual problems the injured party may have.
most importantly, the bystander and injured party will maintain a close proximity during the post injury, pre-discussion period.

the following may be said to the silent person during their moment of pain:
"please remeber that the pain that you are feeling is a fleeting thing and that it may not even be based on anything that is real. I say this to you in love and caring because i cherish you and i value you and your happiness. if you need to talk i am here for you."