Thursday, June 27, 2002

you people are retarded for complicating your life so much. stop worrying and start laughing. if i don't follow my own advice at times then i'm a retard too. get over yourself and all your petty problems. you're a sack of jelly held up by a structure of bone walking around on a hunk of rock that is hurtling through space around an enormous ball of fire. you don't want to be a part of a moronic society? then join the f'ing club. damn yo!

now guess what would happen if the world worked as it should... the way that you want it to. you'd still be a sack of jelly that walked around a hunk of rock that hurtles through space around a gigantic fire ball. you'd still wake up everyday and urinate and defecate and eat your breakfast. you'd still have freezing cold winter days and hot and humid summer nights. you'd still have your times of boredom and times of sadness. you'd still get angry. you'd still get your heart broken. this is what being human gets you. what do you think you are? you are not a friggin angelic creature... get over it. you were not meant for greatness of any sort. YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN A CAT. it is not society or the world or anything like that that you should be angry at. it is being human that caused your predicament. you start human civilization from scratch and it will end up just like it is today. our evolution got us here.

if you want something better than what we've got then you have to suppress the natural instincts of all humans. this can be done but you'll need an awfully enlightened world population. just think how bad your ancestors had it and you'll see you are no worse off.

the problem is that you were taught to think you deserve something. you don't have anything coming to you beyond death. you were born to reproduce and then die. that's it. that is the grand scheme of it all. you were not meant to have a happy or even a pleasant existence. all that mattered is that you reproduce. you then die because your machinery only cares about keeping you alive long enough to reproduce. after that, you are on your own. that is why your body starts it's deterioration in your twenties. unfortunately you were told a fairy tale about what you should expect out of life. it wasn't true. the truth is reproduction and death. anything beyond that is a game of pretend.