Tuesday, June 11, 2002

you're not the crazy one. you live in a society built on strange and imaginary ideas. there is nothing you can do to change it though. you can either start a new society (which is harder today because all free land has been taken by the governments of the world and their actions would affect you anyway) or you can accept what you're given and try to manipulate it enough to your liking so that you can get along or you can not accept it and try to fight it and die frustrated and alone. i'd go for the option of accepting it and trying to make what you have work because it is the simplest and makes the most sense. why make things harder than they need to be?

you will be dead soon enough so why not just smile the rest of the days you have left? you can't take the pain, sorrow, and worry with you when you die so get rid of it as it comes in... why hold on to it? sure you can worry yourself to death over anything but just accept things and move on and you can go through each day with a better feeling than misery.