Friday, June 14, 2002

i think that i am at the point where i found out what being a human is all about to the point where there is no mystery left. love, hate, patriotism, honor, etc. are things i can't really feel anymore because i know their origin and their implications. i do still laugh though. i really don't recommend learning all about humans and the world you live in if you want to really live your life and get a lot out of it. everything will become meaningless to you. it is hard to take human concepts seriously when you know it is just a made-up fantasy. it is hard to play by society's rules when you think the rules are a joke. everything is just silliness now. learning all about humans and the world you live in would not be feasible until you are surrounded by others learning the same thing. you will be lost in a world in which you do not fit otherwise. i have out grown this place and it is now time for my mothership to beam me up. but until that happens i'll be chillin. so 'sup y'all.