Wednesday, June 26, 2002

i like movies where there is someone rebelling against "the system". i guess i must have some of that in me. although, i'm really not rebellious... it is just that this system is so retarded that i can't live by what it tells me. so basically i am rebelling by not engaging in it and not by actively going out to try and destroy it. but yes if it were in my power i would destroy it with such vengeance that not even a particle of dust would be found to prove its existence. (remember that punishing is ingrained in us. we like to punish.) but i still would rather live peacefully than as an active rebel.

one thing that would keep me from rebelling against the system is that who is there really to save? if everyone didn't like the system then couldn't we just collectively decide to change it? most people are satisfied enough that they don't give a hoot about changing anything. as the declaration of independence states "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed." things are just not bad enough for the masses to inspire them to change anything. sure they are bad enough for me but i can't do anything against something backed by so much corruption and military might. and for all my troubles, the masses wouldn't even appreciate it if i did change anything.

because a handful of people have no place in this society, the whole thing should be changed? yes the society may be headed towards disaster but is that any reason to change it? every society before us has crumbled to dust eventually so why should ours be any different? pity on me and you for being enlightened enough to see that our society is moronic but so what? so what if humans rape the planet until they kill themselves off. every other species would do the same thing. every species will grow and grow and eat itself into extinction if it is given the chance without any checks and balances. so what if you and i can see this is a retarded way to live. this is evolution at work. we have a mutation that allows us to see more than others can see. this certainly is not benefitting us personally and seems to work against us. either we will be what postpones humanity's eventual extinction or they'll go extinct a few years earlier... either way so what? the earth will die off when the sun explodes anyway or maybe when an asteroid hits us.

"the system" is just an illusionary smoke and mirror show. you can't fight something like that. it is full of imagination and pure belief without real reasoning and proof. you can't rationally argue with an irrational person. you can't mix reality with fantasy and expect anything logical to come out of it.