Monday, June 03, 2002

summation of a 1996 ABC news special entitled "The Mystery of Happiness: Who has it and How to get it".

In it, it says these are important aspects of happiness: control (being able to control your life and control things in your life), optimism (expecting the best to happen and that things will be okay), belief in god (the sense of purpose and commitment). Also, inactivity is bad, happiness occurs when we engage ourselves in a meaningful activity that challenges and engages our skills. An activity or job that challenges you and makes you feel well used. Happiness occurs when you actively do things and not sit around. The biggest determinant is whether you have close relationships. Close supportive connective relationships make for happiness.

Something else that was said that I've heard before... if you fake being happy, it will actually make you happier. The easiest thing to do, and I have actually done this, is to just force yourself to smile, and by activating those same smiling muscles, it mimics the effects of an actual smile and can make you feel better.