Saturday, June 01, 2002

it would be nice to live in a peaceful world where everyone is valued and everyone is "happy" and everyone has a rich and fulfilling life. sound nice? to some people this is not so nice.

a lot of people are benefitting because everyone is not valued and because not everyone is happy and because not everyone has a rich and fulfilling life. you folks reading this on that computer of yours, can no doubt assume your computer has parts in it assembled by people who will never own a computer. most of your possessions, food items, homes and buildings, and sanitation can be traced back to people who lead a lifestyle that you would find not as comfortable as your own. you are directly benefitting from other people not being as valued as others. and chances are that someone else is even benefitting from you not being as valued as they are.

don't make the mistake of assuming that those people living a "lower" lifestyle are there because they are inferior. they have to start life out in a home that does not value education and one that puts them to work as soon as possible. their surroundings are tough and unsupportive. if you grew up in the same conditions you would turn out the same as they did and vice versa. they do not get the same opportunities you do. you can't expect them to just "get an education". and society itself does not want them to be highly educated or else no one would do menial tasks. if you were highly educated, would you rather use that education to make $70,000 a year as an attorney in this society or use the education to make $6.50 an hour pumping human waste out of a septic tank? if we wanted everyone to be highly educated then why aren't we pumping resources into doing this? do you really think people would choose a lesser lifestyle if they were truly given the opportunity to choose which life they could lead? obviously these people are not given a real opportunity.