Thursday, June 13, 2002

i am sick of seeing beautiful members of the opposite sex. they are a distraction and at times a safety hazard. i am also sick of people trying to look their best. can't you get beyond the excessive vanity of things like eyebrow waxing and finger/toe nail manicuring and wearing makeup? does every little thing really have to be perfect? don't you even want to find a mate based on something besides looks? shouldn't you even be going out of your way to dress down so that a potential mate likes you for who you are and not what you look like? do you really enjoy working long hours in order to support your consumption of beauty supplies and services? do you really enjoy using a significant portion of the day primping yourself and worrying how good you look? do you really like basing so much self-worth on how you look? god forbid you get into an accident and loose an eyebrow... you'd have to commit suicide since you could not live with the horror of having only one eyebrow. for goodness sakes shake some sense into yourself and do yourself some good and get over yourself and how you look.