Thursday, June 27, 2002

just a note, if you don't have a sense of humor then develop one or else leave now and never return. i have learned to see the funny side of a lot of things and it is to my betterment and to the betterment of those around me. don't take things so seriously and chill out. you humans with no sense of humor ruin everyone's good time. you are the muther f'ers with the road rage, the f'ers that start conflicts and wars and fights in general. it has become obvious to me that a sense of humor is a sign of intelligence. animals and base humans have no sense of humor. the humans are not so intelligent will laugh now and again but it is at simple things and they will get very insulted and in fact very violent about things they don't find funny. think of it this way, the more you know, the more jokes you are in on and so the more you can laugh at. and in conclusion, stop taking things so seriously you retard.