Sunday, April 21, 2002

bad mood tonight. not my fault like usual though. muther f'ers. damn if you humans don't upset me with your drama. i try to live the simplest, stress-free life i can but you damn dirty apes want to come at me with your drama. stop it!! save it for the stage. damn yo!

how hard do you think i have worked to shape my surroundings into a nice pleasant atmosphere? damn hard be-ATCH. who the f' but a damn dirty ape would want to disturb such a nice peaceful atmosphere? killers, war mongerers, rapists, thieves, liars a.k.a humans... destroyers of everything pure and simple.

can't we all jus' get along? is it too much to ask to let sleeping dogs lie? leave a peaceful place peaceful. stop mucking it up with your wanton and fried rice destruction.

okay deep breath. i really need to go back to watching tv all the time. i need something to numb the pain. i don't think i can go back though. tv mainly irritates me now. heh okay here are some shows i'll watch. don't think less of me though because you think they are lame. one is "the people's court". i like the judge on it and i used to watch the original many years ago when i was younger. it is really informative too. i watch a variety of shows from Food TV when i am in the kitchen but not regularly. some are "Ultimate Kitchens", "The Best Of", "Food 911", "Good Eats", "Molto Mario", and i used to watch "Iron Chef". I'll watch "Saturday Night Live" reruns on Comedy Central and also on that channel, "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart". and on sundays i'll watch "Futurama" and "King of the Hill" and sometimes the "Simpsons" but it has been mostly repeats. oh and speaking of cartoons i also watch "South Park". i gave up on weekday primetime major network shows long ago. suuuuck. i do watch "Survivor" though and have seen "Fear Factor" a bunch of times. i also stopped watching mtv for the most part. well that's about it. notice that they are low stress shows that i watch.

k' i am off to go paint. on the computer that is. real paint with no undo button is too stressful. i use a tablet and stylus and have no mess to clean up. later all.