Thursday, April 11, 2002

with all my humans suck this and my humans suck that you may get the impression that i think myself somewhat beyond human. even somewhat superior. this was of course true at some point. it was probably more true when i was a rejected teen seeking to lash out at my rejectors with the logical step of believing myself superior. i needed some way to gain some self-worth since there was none coming in from anyone. so the only thing to do is to imagine yourself superior to those that reject you. i performed above the average academically which only served to support my claim.

but the thing about loneliness is that it gives you time to think. and think i did. i then got to the point where i really did know a lot more than the normal person. i knew i did and so more superior i would logically feel.

and now i have even come to the realization with proof that they were wrong. that they are the ones that were messed up. and now do you think i feel even more superior? nah. i know i am a dirty little perverted ape like the rest of you. i learned my heritage and it put me back to the bottom with the rest of the damn dirty apes.

i, like the rest of you, was taught that humans were a superior species. i learned the truth about us and it changed things. it makes me have no respect for you. you can't respect someone once it turns out that everything they told you was a lie. i don't like where you came from and i don't like what you've done with you lives. and what's worse is that you tried to cover it all up. i learned what you did though and it sickens me. i can't tell you the sadness i felt when the information started pouring in. it was unbearable and i still haven't recovered.

the funny thing is that you made me to hate you. you conditioned me to be idealistic and to expect more from humans and to think them the cream of the evolutionary crop. you invented the fairy tale about yourself. if you had only been honest and told me that you were nothing but a violent, hairless, ultra-sexual ape then i would not of had these expectations that you taught me instead.

oh fellow human, you are just a pawn like i am in this silly little world we created for ourselves. money, celebrity, corporations, intercontinental ballistic missiles, lipstick, all queer little notions by a self-centered, insecure little ape who one day realized that he could pick up a stick and use it as a tool.