Monday, April 22, 2002

K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Stupid):

there is at least one principle you should be applying to everything you do in your life. this principle is k.i.s.s. if you notice a solution to a problem become a convoluted mess then you know that it is the wrong solution. simplicity is elegance.

your relationship is getting all complicated? then you are doing it wrong. the java code you just wrote looks like a mess and is hard to follow? you did it wrong. your life in general is stressful and a mess? you are doing it wrong.

find the elegant solution to your problem and don't settle for a quick hack. a quick fix will only lead to another patch and then another. pretty soon your dam will be all patch material and no stone. start from the beginning with a simple, elegant solution. take time to plan before any labor is done.