Wednesday, April 03, 2002

i don't think hate is strong enough to describe what i feel about you humans. it's so strong because we are in a relationship with one another. you have the potential to hate those closest to you more because of the intimacy involved. and all you ever do, humans, is give me grief.

i was born a sweet little baby like any other. so why hate me so much more? it seems you wanted me destroyed before i could live out some prophecy that would culminate in your destruction. you have been my wicked queen always watching and waiting for any opportunity to poison my apple. you told me that i should have wonderful things and a happy existence but then you gave me no opportunity. you built me up just so you could pull the chair out as i tried to sit down.

why do you torment me? why not just tell me from the beginning how it is really going to work. why the charade? less than one percent of the people on the planet lead lives based on what you say our lives will be like. why not be honest? is it that you love to punish and to torture?

damn if some alien race isn't gonna whoop ass all over you. oh and keep trying to contact them. yeah that's a good idea. yeah even though every "discovery" of a less technologically advanced group by a more advanced group in all of human history has led to the enslavement and/or destruction of that "primitive" group. yeah hope this one's the exception. you muther f'ers.

am i done? have i given up all hope for your salvation? pretty much. bitter? you damn jif i am. i found out everything you told me is a lie. now what? continue on like it's really the truth? would you? i can't and i won't. if the loves not there then it will only get worse. i think you humans should leave. you've done enough already. out!! yet for some reason i feel i need you. you and i... we're not that much different. i mean hey we both breathe air right? two eyes and a nose? me too!! boy look at all we have in common. i mean maybe i was a bit harsh back there? now i don't know if i'm crazy or not but gee i think there might still be a little something between us. i mean maybe we could even have lunch sometime and just talk. you know, how we used to. NOT!! you dumb F!! now get the hell out!!

yeah that's just how it'll go. damn dirty apes.