Wednesday, April 17, 2002

we take for granted the contributions of the elite class throughout history. it is really what made us different from the other animals. i am not saying it is a "good" thing but it is what it is. who else would come up with ways of behaving that are totally opposite our natural animal instincts. who else would come up with the notion of suppressing our urges to kill and have sex? no one but the elite who have time to think these odd rules of behavior up.

why else did we live as hunter-gatherers for 100,000 years with little change in how we lived and behaved? we acted like the animals we were. we killed and sexed whenever we wanted. it is only in the last 10,000 years when farming came about and then the rise of an elite class. our behavior and way of life so drastically change from then on. with farming came food surpluses. with extra food came opportunity for specialized jobs. with specialized jobs came management and rulers and specialized soldiers. the elite were born.

the elite needed to control the people below them and set about to create rules and laws to do so. they also saw themselves as better than the common folk. this superiority led them to think that they should behave in a superior manner to the commoners. they then even came up with rules for themselves. they would not act like the inferior commoners. and now today we have all these rules of behavior that are so unlike our natural instincts.