Friday, April 26, 2002

hello, i am a human being. i enjoy making other humans laugh and smile. i also like to inform people of various informative tidbits.

my hobbies include petting cats, some light landscaping projects, computer programming, reading slashdot, watching socially aware primetime cartoons and foodTV, and learning about humans.

my ambition is to lead a stress-free life around humans that accept me and enjoy my company.

my dislikes include people wrapped up with appearances, hooligans, celebrity and celebrities, close-minded people, stubbornness, and people who think that an unsubstantiated opinion is just as valid as one based in logic and reason and direct observation.

my dream date would consist of me and my date debating an issue and coming to an agreement based on both our arguments, writing and debugging an application together, eating dinner, and then watching futurama and a taped episode of south park.

i prefer humans that don't smoke, drink alcohol, do drugs, wear makeup, style hair, or dress stylish.

i do prefer humans that are real, thoughtful, empathetic, funny, intelligent, and hell bent on world domination (just kidding on the last one).

if all this interests you then maybe our ships should cross paths (not in terms of collision but more in terms of a meeting and mutual exploration). give me a jingle and i'll provide a reach around. oh, umm, i mean give me a call and we'll see what type of chemical reaction ensues.