Monday, April 29, 2002

why has rudeness gotten so bad? it is because we are too populous and do not feel part of the same group as the people we come in contact with. it is our legacy to be distrustful of strangers. it is even our legacy to be homicidal towards them. if you didn't kill them then they killed you and wiped you out.

the people we drive on the road with are enemies unless proven otherwise. we do not live in small enough towns to feel connected to people anymore. if we lived in small towns (sub 300 people), then we would know everyone and we would all feel a bond. the legal system would not even come into play because problems would be community problems. everyone would have a stake in conflict resolution. the legal system came more into play when stranger-to-stranger conflicts arose.

we are a big unmanageable mess. the only solution for that is to break up into small manageable chunks. towns have gotten way too big. they need to be broken up into smaller independent units. the entire group needs a say in how they are run. they will then have a stake in things and feel more responsible.

the idea of one big group is not working and cannot work because as we see it is impossible and unwieldy to manage. people slip through the cracks. a small independent group can catch said people.