Wednesday, April 10, 2002

superficial? all we care about is how someone looks? well yeah that's who we are. before we could talk all we could do to size someone up was to look them over. so we mated based on how the people looked.

just look at how we are sexy, hairless, big breasted animals. when is the last time you saw a big breasted cat? it serves no evolutionary purpose that's why. for some reason though, it attracted human males of old and then this sexual selection left non-large-breasted women out in the cold. the succeeding generations were then to become larger and larger breasted until they were the preferred size.

hairlessness happened the same way. why are our women relatively hairless? because a long time ago men found it pleasing and thus mated with the least hairiest women around. the following generations had less and less hair until here we are today relatively hairless.

it is like how we breed show animals to look a certain way. we select the ones with the desired characteristics and then mate them. all dogs used to look like wolves. it was through our breeding of them that made them into the varied breeds that they are today. we mated midget dogs together to get the smaller breeds. pug nosed ones were through breeding of ones with shorter and shorter noses. a lot of inbreeding takes place and is why breed dogs suffer from so many breed specific genetic diseases. but the point is how easy it is to shape how a species looks through sexual selection.

we sexually selected what we look like today based on looks. we are born to be superficial and to be attracted by perceived beauty. it takes conditioning and straying from our instincts to put looks aside when evaluating other people. to keep your jaw from dropping when you see a beautiful person takes practice. your ancestry was based on chasing beauty.

just be careful what you wish for though. if we no longer breed based on looks then we are at our peak in terms of beauty. we will become an uglier and uglier species in terms of looks if beauty is not paramount. maybe we would start to base people's worth on other things then. it is your choice.