Sunday, April 07, 2002

just to let you know... you have no private thoughts around me. i know what you think. every thought you are having or had, i also thought about the same thing. of course i never thought about some obscure trinket that only you own but i mean in more general terms than that. every homicidal, perverted, sweet, loving, longing, sad, vengeful, pitiful thought of yours does not belong solely to you. i share it as well.

you are be no means unique and i know that. other people are thinking the same things you are and i am one of them. what sets me apart is that i am aware of our similar thinking. i will read you like a book with large type. and yes this can be used to manipulate people. they are the ones who don't realize that we are so easy to figure out. and that is most of you. if you all knew about our extreme similarity and how predictable we are then you wouldn't be so manipulatable.

you have to be empathetic and put yourself in another's shoes. how would you react? what would be your next thought? you obviously have to study yourself in order to answer these questions. this is another area where i have an advantage because i have studied my own thoughts and reactions more so than the average person. because i know what i would do or think i can use that to figure out what you would do or think.

you also should study human interactions in general and pay attention to people and what they say and do. you will see definite patterns and then apply them to figure out what people will do. study humans like they are a specimen. animal watchers know all about animal behaviors and humans can be just as easily figured out.