Wednesday, April 24, 2002

i think it is sad that there is no place to live without someone's rule or government controlling you. and before you tell me Antarctica, i mean any habitable place with enough natural resources to sustain yourself. it is even anti-human that such vast expanses don't exist. we are made to spread out and migrate and explore. that is why we now occupy the entire planet. but what our ancestors had is no more.

there is no place to go anymore if we don't like how things are around us. we used to be able to go settle some new area and start fresh with our own rules and way of life. land and resources were freely available. but now we are stuck right where we are if we don't like it. we are imprisoned by the governments of the world. no longer are we free as individuals to live how we want. some government somewhere will have you under their rule. it will involve you in wars you don't want, environmental destruction you don't want, wasted resources you don't want, oppression you don't want, etc. if you don't want to be a part of it then too bad. government is watching.

these artificial borders that governments draw on maps are ridiculous. what right do they have to a particular tree, rock, or river. by right of force? is that where you want to live and raise children? inside an artificial border created because your government is better at killing than another's? that is certainly why the u.s.'s borders are drawn where they are. our government was better at killing than that of the native people's.

we like to forget that we have our borders because of our murdering abilities. but does forgetting that we murdered make it any more right? maybe something built on blood should not be allowed to continue. maybe we shouldn't support something built on the murder and oppression of others. slavery built the u.s. economy and allowed it to become the superpower it is today. where is the accountability for it all? gee, murder, oppression, and slavery were the very foundation for the existence of the united states but that's okay because most of us forget or don't know. try using that excuse in the u.s. legal system and you will see that even they would condemn the u.s. and don't let me leave out every other government of the world. you all know what you did. wars were rampant all through-out time and you know very well that slavery, oppression, and murder is why you are around as well.

you people sit idly back while your government acts on your behave doing as it pleases. built on deceit, oppression, slavery, and murder no wonder your government does what it does. even your religious teachings would condemn such a foundation. an empire built on evil won't last. the planet belongs to no one and was intended to be shared by all. upset the balance and the heavy ended scale will come smashing to the ground.