Monday, April 15, 2002

if classical music was the music of choice a couple hundred years ago then are you going to tell me that distorted guitar sounds and bad singing is a step up in the evolutionary scale of music? what happened?

classical music was made for the elite and not for the general population. there were no radios or cds so the only people who could afford to see a few dozen musicians playing expensive instruments in fancy halls would have been the wealthy elite. the general population probably danced to the sounds of a lute, a mandolin, and a tavern drunkard.

today we no longer have that wealthy royal aristocracy. people of breeding and class were first replaced by once poor people who later became wealthy businessmen. today they are replaced by people that made it rich through singing or acting. their tastes are just as common as they are. this de-evolution in the class system is why classical music may have de-evolved into guitar rock. with no foundation to support it, the expensive hobby of classical style music was no more. the new elites were not raised on this music and so quite logically did not favor it and did not support it.

even if the arts had been supported as vigorously as in the past and classical music evolved into something better we still might have guitar rock and bad singing. like i said, classical music was for the elite. the general population had it's own parallel evolution of music happening. the mandolin became a guitar and tavern drunk became a lead singer. so quite possibly there is no relation between classical music and guitar rock.

now don't get me wrong, i'm as common as the next human. i'm just trying to figure out what happened to classical music and why it died out and why in god's name it was replaced by the rolling stones and n'sync. either today's music is an evolutionary step up from classical music or else classical music died out for some reason. my guess is that today's music is not related to classical and that it stemmed from the music of the common folk. i also think that classical died when the pure bred elites that sponsored art were replaced by the common rich businessmen who were not raised to be art lovers.