Thursday, April 11, 2002

come on you blind muther f'ers. wake up! open your freakin eyes and take a look at what's going on around you. look at yourself for heck's sake. do i have to get semi-profane for you to even take notice? everything will explain itself if you only paid attention. there would be no more confusion in your life. imagine everything clear as day. just stop and pay attention to the things around you. you will see the patterns. you will see just how simply everything works. you will see all those things that people do that adds artificial complication to everything. you will see how to stop doing that in your own life. just open your eyes!! pay attention!! take everything as a lesson. realize how similar we all are and how you can use that similarity to learn from others mistakes.

you should not be reliving everything that everyone before you already lived. start from their foundation and build higher. learn in a day what took them a lifetime. learn their lessons through simple observation. they made all the mistakes and paid for them and now you can learn them too but without having to waste your time actually living them out. learn their history and learn their story and you will know all you need to know to start building on top of that foundation.

and in conclusion, open your damn eyes and pay attention to what's going on.