Sunday, March 03, 2002

corporations decide the fate of the inhabitants of the planet earth and potentially even beyond. corporations pollute everything they come in contact with. fish are over-fished to the point that they have to shut down fishing areas at times or else there would be no more fish in those areas. rivers and lakes are polluted, acid rain falls on everything, and government is overly corrupt.

in case you don't know, the american government allows itself to be bought and paid for by lobbyists that work for corporations. a vote on a bill by a congressman is a vote by a corporation that paid that congressman to see things their way. this is fact even though it seems like i must be making it up if you've never heard about this system before. it does not matter who you vote for in an election because the corporations have the money to sway whoever you elect. and the people elected want this to happen. that is why they run. it is their payday. their win of the lottery. people are greedy and will take what they can get away with. this system of lobbying is legal which means they can get away with it and they will milk it.

corporations are running the world. and since the mantra for corporations is to maximize profits, little things like pollution, corruption, and human life beyond that of CEO's are meaningless. people today are slaves to corporations. forty hours or more a week people put into serving their masters. they are thrown out to the cold when they are too weak too work, too old, etc. the corporation sees you as non-human. just a tool. if it treats its own employees that way then how do you think it treats the rest of the world? power corrupts and this is no exception. they have power through money and use government to do its bidding.

corporations have developed and are progressing like the development of governments did in human society. first we lived in little bands and tribes and we knew everyone in our tribe because of the small size. safety was a real concern for these people because there was no outside force to protect them from each other. then as groups got larger and people stopped knowing everyone the conflicts got even worse. people wanted some sort of protection from this. along comes a leader with an army who has a monopoly of force over the people. he is the police and people are not allowed to take matters into their own hands and kill one another. then the larger groups kill off or absorb the smaller groups and they get so large that they need better administration and thus governments are born. governments then absorbed all surrounding land and people and now rule the world.

for corporations, people started out trading goods with one another. then came the merchants. then a successful merchant would buy another shop. then he would have a few shops and then they would need better administration and thus corporations are born. the corporations then kill off or absorb the smaller companies. then all that is left is corporations. then corporations take over the government through use of a steady cash flow to voting senators. then corporations rule the world.