Wednesday, March 06, 2002

did you ever try and choose a screen name on AOL? not all of you, but the majority would have found the process a little annoying...

lets see, umm i think i will choose TeddyBear as my screen name. let me just type that in. hmm it says that it is taken. okay well lemme try something more original. how about ILoveBears. yeah that should work. no??!! and why would they suggest ILove3992 to me??!! okay lemme be really really original this time. umm hmm uhh. i know!! TeddyLuv17. lets jus type this in here T-e-d-d-y-L-u-v-1-7. there. hit ok and... WHAT!! you muther @#$%^&!! fine!! TeddyL3988 it is!!! piece of crap!!

the point of that little scenario in that it is hard to be original and that we as humans are very similar to one another. i call this the AOL Syndrome. what you are thinking right now and at any time is probably very similar to what a bunch of other people thought about before you ever did.