Saturday, March 30, 2002

internal dialog is a negative influence in your life. it will mostly lead to stress and unwarranted worrying. if you catch yourself talking to yourself and to other people in your head it is a good idea to stop and clear you head of it. it is nothing but chatter and is useless. there are forms of meditation that are specifically about silencing this internal chatter. it is a practice of quieting your thoughts until finally with enough practice even when you are not meditating the internal chatter is never there.

just think about the times when you are doing something so perfectly and so smoothly until all of a sudden your internal chatter kicks in and you start thinking "oh man! i can't believe how good i am doing!" and then that's when you stumble and crash. the chatter is also what makes you worry. you go over all the different scenarios in your head again and again. as you do your stress is building and you can feel the worry in your stomach. if you sat and meditated or found some distraction when this started then you could have avoided all that pain and worry.

take life a little easier and ignore the chattering in your head. next time it appears just say "no!" and forget about it. it will try and start up again but you just keep on ignoring it. you'll see that you become a little less stressed about things.