Thursday, March 14, 2002

you know what is annoying? it's having to redo something that you put a lot of effort into. isn't it awful to have to start over after all that time and energy and enthusiasm that went into it the first time? well that's what we keep doing as a society of humans. we are reliving the lives of those that came before us.

why do so many people struggle with in inept school system? why do they then struggle to find a career once they leave school? why do people have children and have no idea how to raise them? why do people have bad relationships? why do people feel under appreciated? why do we need to kill and war and hate? people have lived with these questions for generations. why do we keep reliving them then? why can't we learn from their mistakes and their non-mistakes. if you really wanted to, you could find out how to raise a child in a better way than is normally done. you could find out how to have successful relationships. you could find the answers to all these things. just look to the past at what worked and what didn't. but why aren't these the things that are taught to us? why do we know nothing about being a successful human? shouldn't that be our priority?

if we have to relive everything for ourselves we cannot get beyond base level. we need a head start to build ourselves higher than those that came before us. we already do this in technology. we use what came before us as our base. why don't we apply it to human society and lift ourselves into a growth equal to our technological achievements?