Tuesday, March 19, 2002

something that is starting to annoy me now that i recognize it is the magical effect that beauty has on me. female beauty more specifically. i stare mesmerized for a moment before realizing that a spell was cast on me and that i should fight it off. it is not real i tell myself, it is just the product of human evolution at work. it tries to manipulate me but i reason with myself.

why bother you ask? because the next step after staring is obsession. and you want to know more about the person and then you give them preferential treatment just because of their supposed beauty. and why try and fight that natural instinct? because for all i know they could be a horrible person. i don't even know them so it only proves that my instinctual feelings for them are magical and not based in truth.

to lead a rational life takes constant analysis of one's thoughts and actions. to live our lives based on reason and logic is what we need to evolve into a better society. it is a lot to ask those not trained in doing so but for following generations the task will be normal as they will have been raised in it.