Wednesday, March 13, 2002

SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence):
i suppose you could look at this page as SITI (Search for Intraterrestrial Intelligence or SHITI: Search for Human Intraterrestrial Intelligence). but maybe it is futile to search for similar minded folk. i mean what would i really do if i found one. is one really enough? and what about a whole group of them? that would be strange. and it's not like we could really change anything. all we could hope for is to delude ourselves with the notion that we live in a separate little world from everyone else. we still can't escape corporations and governments and cruel people. and even if we could find such an ideal place we'd probably all die of a disease or something ironic when we got there.

gauatama buddha was right when he said suffering was part of life. don't expect to be happy and joyous all the time because that is not what fueled our evolution. probably being in love and having kids is what can really make you fulfilled and happy feeling because that is what fueled our evolution. but mind you, those are temporary feelings. you'd have to go from love to love and have the pain that goes with that too. what about staying in love? i suppose it is possible to delude yourself to do that but the problem is an equally willing partner. and as you know, people are terribly unreliable.

being in a group is part of being human too though. i think a lot of people in groups are fulfilled by their sense of belonging. people live out stereotypes all the time. they are comforted by doing so. well, group, where are you? i know this might seem as a half-hearted attempt to find you but it's easily available and its free. and you'd appreciate that. you'd appreciate me.

to my group, wherever you are, your comrade has come of age and is waiting to hear from you.