Monday, March 11, 2002

human history in a nutshell:
we evolved from pond scum into little furry creatures that lived in the ground and frolicked at the feet of dinosaurs. after the dinosaur demise, our little fluffy ancestors were given free reign of the surface world. they were allowed to get bigger and bigger since there were no more dinosaurs to eat us and eat our food supply. then in time that little rodent diversified into all different types of mammals. then our more immediate ancestors were born. they weren't as smart but they then evolved into us. we modern humans have been around for 100,000 years. the first 90,000 years as hunter-gatherers and the last 10,000 as farmers and then into what we are in modern times. most of human existence has been spent as little tribes running around with spears and picking berries off of bushes. but then as we started to farm, we made excess food. this excess food fed specialized workers and our lifestyles began to diversify. and now here we are today.